Figure 39. Signal Generator SG4/U, alinement points.
should be set to 50 mc. If a reading is not obtained,
e. Vary capacitors C23 and C25 equally for a
vary the frequency meter range above and below 50 me
to determine the output frequency.
f. Vary the two slugs of coil L2 in equal increments
f. Repeat procedure outlined in b through a above
to obtain a 50-mc reading at the frequency meter.
to obtain the highest possible voltmeter reading.
g. Rotate the TUNING knob to 100 mc.
h. Vary capacitors C18 and C19 equally to obtain a
100-mc reading at the frequency meter.
Note. Throughout the alinement of this stage and the
following doubler stages, output indicator M2 of the
i. Repeat procedure outlined in c through g above
signal generator is used. Adjustments should be made
until proper tracking of the frequency tuning dial is
for maximum output indication, backing down on the
attenuator coupling as necessary to keep the output
meter needle close to center scale.
77. Aligning First Doubler
a. Tune the signal generator to 50 mc.
a. Connect a dc voltmeter (0- to 200-volt range)
b. Form coil L14 for maximum output indication.
between pin 6 of V7 and ground. A reading of
approximately 135 volts dc will be obtained.
c. Tune the signal generator to 100 mc.
b. Tune the signal generator to 50 mc-.
d. Adjust C28 and C30 equally for maximum
output reading.
c. Form coil L3 for a maximum voltage reading on
e. Repeat procedure outlined in a through d above
to obtain the highest reading on the output meter.
d. Rotate the tuning dial to 100 mc.