TM 11-6625-584-45
check for 12 volts dc between TP5
5. Cont.
(+) and TP6 (-). If no voltage is
Q16 and associated components.
Repair or replace defective part.
Board A1A1 defective.
6. No signals available at both
measurements to find defective
HI-RF and LORF output
Check and replace defective part. Refer
7. No output at LO-RF jack, output
Coil A1A2L1, A1A2L2 or board
A1A2A1 defective.
at HI-RF jack normal.
Check for RF signal at A1J1. If
8. No output at HI-RF jack, output
absent, check and replace defective
at LO-RF jack normal.
Check operation of switch with multim-
RF OUTPUT switch A4S1 defective.
eter. Repair or replace defective
and 6-8(3).
Check for negative dc voltage at junc-
Diode A1A2A1CR1 defective.
9. Normal output at LO-RF jack,
tion of A1A2A1CR1 and A1A2A1C1
no indication on IF UV RF
SET TO LINE meter.
Check and replace defective part. Refer
Resistor R61 or switch A4S1 defective.
Check for negative dc voltage at
Diode A4CR1 defective.
10. Normal output at HI-RF jack,
junction of A4CR1 and A4C1. If
no indication on IF UV RF
absent replace defective part. Refer
SET TO LINE meter.
Check and replace defective part.
Resistor A4R1 or switch A4S1
Check for output at INT MOD OUT
DEVIATION meter Ml or meter
11. With FUNCTION switch turned
jack J4. If present, repair or replace
amplifier-detective Q5 defective.
to 150 HZ, 400 HZ, 1000HZ
position, no output appears on
and 6-8(2).
Connect external modulation signal
Modulation amplifier Q3, Q4 or AF
to EXT MOD jack. Turn FUNC-
TION switch to EXT MOD. If indi-
cation appears on DEVIATION
meter, repair or replace AF oscilla-
tor Q1, Q14, Q15. If no indication
appears on DEVIATION meter, re-
Repair or replace defective part.
12. DEVIATION meter indication
normal, output RF signal not
being modulated.
Check for IF signal at P3. If present,
IF attenuator assembly A3.
13. With FUNCTION switch turned
IF attenuator assembly defective;
to IF, no output appears at
check and replace defective part.
IF output jack for any position
of IF MHZ switch.
Check for IF signal across A2A1T3.
Amplifier A2A1Q3 A2A1Q4 defective.
If present, repair or replace ampli-
fier A2A1Q3, A2A1Q4.
Check for IF signal across A2A1T2.
If absent, repair or replace A2A1Q1,
A2A1 Q2 defective.
Check for 1.000 MHZ signal at A6TP1.
14. Loss of audio beat notes at 1
Oven A6A1A1 defective.
If absent, replace A6A1A1. Refer to
MHZ intervals.