Section I. GENERAL
1. Scope
b. DA Form 468 (Unsatisfactory Equipment
Report) will be filled out and forwarded to the Office of
a This manual cover Signal Generator AN/URM-
the Chief Signal Officer as prescribed in SR 700--45-5.
70 (fig. 1). Intructions are given for its installation,
operation, repair, and maintenance In addition to these
c. DD Form 535 (Unsatisfactory Report) will be
instructions, there is a chapter devoted to its circuit
filled out and forwarded to Commending General, Air
Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
Dayton, Ohio, as prescribed in AF TO 00-35D-54.
b. All comments on this manual will be forwarded
direct to Commanding Officer, Signal Corp Publications
d. DA Form 11-238 (Operator First Echelon
Agency, Fort Monmouth, N. J. ATTN: Standards
Maintenance Check List for Signal Corps Equipment
(Radio Communication, Direction Finding, Carrier,
Radar)) will be prepared in accordance with instructions
2. Forms and Records
The following forms will be used for reporting
unsatisfactory conditions of Army equipment and when
e. DA Form 11-239 (Second and Third Echelon
performing preventive maintenance:
Maintenance Cheek List for Signal Corps Equipment
(Radio Communication, Direction Finding, Carrier,
a DD Form 6 (Report of Damaged or Improper
Radar)) will be prepared in accordance with instructions
Shipment) will be filled out and forwarded as precribed
in SR 741 (Army); Navy Shipping Guide, Article 1804
f Use other forms and records as authorized.
(Navy); and AFR 71-4 (Air Fore).
3. Purpose and Use
louvers provide ventilation for the signal generator
chassis. When used indoors, the instrument may be
a. Signal Generator AN/URMM-70 is designed to
taken out of the transit case
provide very-high frequency (vhf) test signals for field or
laboratory measurements, testing, and alinement. The
c. The signal generator provides radio-frequency
signal generator is intended primarily for use as test and
(rf) test signal variable between 50 and 400 megacycles
maintenance apparatus for Radio Sets AN/TC-24,
(mc) in three band. The output signal can be frequency-
AN/TRQ-9, AN/ cRG-10, AN/TRC-8, and AN/TRC1.
modulated (fm) by an external source or by the internal
audio oscillator. The internal source provides three
b. Signal Generator AN/URM-70 consists of a
different modulating frequencies: 1,000 cycles, 1,600
Signal Generator S-8/U in a shock-mounted carrying
cycles, or 20,000 cycles. The maximum frequency
case (Transit Case CY-14/URM--70) along with
deviation produced by the internal modulator is 150
accessories and part (fig. 9). In field installations, the
kilocycles (kc) for an rf output between 50 and 100 me;
signal generator can remain in its carrying case, which
800 kc for an rf output between 100 and 200 me; and
provides adequate shock mounting. All cables, controls,
600 kc for an rf output between 200 and 400 ma
and connections are available at the front panel when
the 2 transit case cover is removed. Front-panel