4 tubes, type 5654.
turned face down for repair or adjustment. Slots in the
1 tube, type 6005.
sides of this projection are used as grips for removing
1 tube, type 6080 WA.
the signal generator from the transit case.
1 tube, type 0A2 WA.
d. Terminals and connectors available at the front
1 tube, type 5751.
panel are an R. F. OUTPUT receptacle, EXT. MOD.
1 tube, type 5R4 WGA.
and GND binding posts, and an unmarked standard
12 fuses, 1.5 amp, slow-blow.
alternating current (ac) receptacle that provides storage
1 lamp, 3S6-120 volt.
for the power-cord plug during transit.
2 lamps, 12 volts, #53.
9. Description of Cables and Connectors
11. Additional Equipment Required
The cables and connectors included with Signal
URM-70, additional test equipment will be necessary to
Generator AN/URM-70 are listed below:
indicate gain, correct alinement, or bandwidth of circuits.
Various test applications may differ; therefore, it will be
a matter of choosing the equipment best suited for the
CG718/U terminated at each end with Plug Connector
job. In general, the following test equipment may be
used for the listed test.
b. Three
UG564/U, and UG-637/U( are used for interconnecting
Type of test
Additional equipment
Alinement (cw signal ----------------
Rf or dc vacuum-tube vclt-
c. An unterminated test adapter consisting of
meter or microammeter.
Connector Plug UG-572/U and two alligator clips.
Alinement (fm signal)----------------
time base.
d. A
test adapter terminated in a
resistance of 51
ohms consisting of Connector Plug UG-572/U and two
Stage gain (cw signal) --------------
Rf vtvm.
Overall gain ---------------------------
alligator clips.
time base.
10. Running Spares
A group of runninig spares is supplied with
Rf distortion test----------------------
Fm receiver and a spectrum
Signal Generator AN/URMf-70. Two spare fuses are
mounted on the front panel of the instrument. Ten
Image rejection ratio ----------------
additional spare fuses and two spare indicator lamps are
Signal plus noise-to-noise ---------
mounted inside the instrument case. Spare tubes are
mounted on the spare tube chassis (fig. 19). A spare
ballast lamp is mounted on the audio-oscillator chassis.
The following is a list of the running spares: