to paragraphs
(8) Inspect for looseness of accessible items such
as the front-panel meters, TUNING dial
mechanism, OUTPUT control, switches, knobs,
32. Performing Preventive Maintenance
and jacks
(9) Inspect the front-panel meters M1 and M2 for
Tighten screws, bolts, and nuts
any signs of damage.
carefully. Fittings tightened beyond
the pressure for which they are
Disconnect all power from the
designed will be damaged or broken.
generator before performing the
a. External Items.
operations in b below.
completion, reconnect power and
of the generator. The components are listed in
check for satisfactory operation of the
signal generator.
(2) Clean dirt and moisture from the front panel,
b. Internal Items.
power receptacle, connectors, and dial and
(1) Inspect tubes for loose envelopes and
meter windows.
insufficient spring tension on the tube clamps.
(3) Inspect the seating of fuses F1 and F2 and
lamps 11, I2, and I3.
(2) Inspect all fixed capacitors in the power supply
(4) Inspect the controls for binding, scraping,
for leaks or bulging.
excessive looseness, and for positive action.
(3) Inspect all resistors and insulated bushings for
(5) Check the generator for normal operation (par
cracks, chipping, and discoloration.
(6) Inspect exposed metal surfaces of the generator
for rust and corrosion.
(7) Inspect power cord and output cables for
33. General Lubrication Procedures
34. Weatherproofing
a. The signal generator is constructed to be free
a. Genera.
Signal Corps equipment, when
from excessive gear loading and high-speed operating
operated under severe climatic conditions such as
mechanisms. The manufacturer's lubrication normally
prevail in tropical, arctic, and desert regions, require
will last the life of the instrument, and periodic
special treatment and maintenance. Fungus growth,
lubrication is not required.
insects, dust, corrosion, salt spray, excessive moisture,
and extreme temperatures are harmful to most
b. If binding of a front-panel control develops, send
the equipment to an instrument repair depot. The
mechanical assemblies of the signal generator contain
b. Tropical
antibacklash gearing, precision mechanically ganged
moistureproofing and fungiproofing treatment has been
stages, and other properties that require the skill of
devised which, if properly applied, provides a
instrument repair personnel. Mechanical alinement or
reasonable degree of protection. This treatment is
lubrication normally will require disassembly of the
explained in TB SIG 13, Moistureproofing and
binding linkage. This should be done only by a person
Fungiproofing Signal Corps Equipment, and TB SIG 72,
skilled in repairing intricate assemblies.
Tropical Maintenance of Ground Signal Equipment.
lubricating, use Grease GL QMCS/N4-G-610-900.
c. Arctic Maintenanc.
Special precautions
c. When the equipment is subjected to moisture,
necessary to prevent poor performance or total
dust, dirt, or other conditions that prevail in unusual
operational failure of equipment in extremely low
locations and climates, blow the mechanical assemblies
temperatures are explained in TB SIG 66, Winter
clean with a low pressure air hose, and wipe thoroughly.
Maintenance of Signal Equipment.
This usually will be sufficient to remove harmful
d. Desert Mainenance
Special precautions
particles or moisture.
necessary to prevent equipment failure in areas