subject to extremely high temperatures, low humidity,
and excessive sand and dust are explained in TB SIG
Do not use steel wool.
particles might enter the signal
75, Desert Maintenance of Ground Signal Equipment.
shorting or grounding of circuits.
35. Rustprooflng and Painting
b. Before applying touch-up paint to the bared
c. A badly scarred or damaged front panel or dust
surface with a small brush, remove any rust or corrosion
cover may be touched up so that its bared surface will
from the metal surface by cleaning with solvent (SD). In
not corrode. Clean the surface down to the bare metal;
severe cases, it may be necessary to use solvent (SD)
use No. 000 sandpaper to obtain a smooth metallic
to soften the rust and to use sandpaper to complete the
preparations, before the metal can be painted. Paint
used will be authorized and consistent with existing
c. Check overheating or corrosion discolorations.
36. General
a. The troubleshooting and repairs to be performed
38. Troubleshooting by Using Equipment
at organizational maintenance level (operators and
Performance Checklist
repairmen) are necessarily limited in scope by the tools,
test equipment, and replaceable parts issued.
a. Genera. The equipment performance checklist
Troubleshooting is based on performance of the
(par. 39) will help the operator locate trouble in
equipment and use of the senses ill determining such
equipment. This list gives the item to be checked, the
troubles as defective tubes, broken cables, burned-out
conditions under which the item is checked, the normal
fuses, etc.
indications and tolerances of correct operation, and the
b. The paragraphs which follow in this sect aid
corrective measures the operator can take. Follow the
in determining which of the stages is defective and in
items in numerical sequence.
localizing the fault in that stage to the defective item,
b. Action or Condition. For some items, the
such as a tube or fuse.
information given in the action or condition column
consists of various switch and control settings under
37. Visual Inspection
which the item is to be checked. For other items, it
a. Equipment troubles may be caused by one or
represents an action that must be taken to check the
more of the following conditions:
normal indication given in the normal indication column.
(1) Loose or unconnected power source cable.
c. Normal Indication.
s The normal indications
(2) Poor connections at input or output cables or
listed, include the visible and audible signs that the
operator should perceive when he checks the items. If
(3) Burned-out fuse or fuses.
the indications are not normal, he should apply the
(4) Defective tubes.
recommended corrective measures.
d. Corrective Measur. The corrective measures
(6) Mechanical damage.
listed are those the operator can make without turning ill
(7) Loose, or damaged wiring or soldjernts.
the equipment for repairs. A reference in the table to
b. When a failure is encountered and the cause is
corrected during operation and that troubleshooting by
not immediately apparent, check as many of the : above
an experienced repairman is necessary. If the set is
items as is practicable before starting a detailed
completely inoperative or if the recommended
examination of the component parts of the signal
corrective measures do not yield results, troubleshooting
generator. Obtain information from the op)erator of the
is necessary.
equipment regarding performance the time the trouble