TM 32-6625-022-24&P
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
TM 38-750
Painting Instructions for Field Use
TM 43-0139
TM 740-90-1
Administrative Storage of Equipment
Procedures for Destruction of Electronic Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use
TM 750-244-2
Classification Reclassification, Maintenance, Issuance, and Reporting of Maintenance
AR 700-42
Training Aircraft
Expendable Items (Except Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items)
CTA 50-970
Recommended Changes to publications and Blank Forms
DA FORM 2028
DA FORM 2404
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet
DA PAM 3104
Index of Technical Publications
DA PAM 310-6
Military Publications: Index of Supply Catalogs and Supply Manuals (Excluding
Types 7, 8, and 9)
Index of Logistics Publications
DA PAM 310-7
Report of Discrepancy (ROD)
S t a n d a r d Form 364
DMWR 32-6625-022
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement for Sweep Signal Generator SG-677/U
Painting and Preservation Suplies Available for Field Equipment Use for
SB 11-573
E l e c t r o n i c s Command Equipment
Army Adopted Items Materiel and List of Reportable Items
SB 700-20
Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, United States and Canada. Name to Code and
SB 708-41/42
Code to Name (GSA FSS H4-1/H 4-2)
SF 368
Quality Deficiency Report
TB 43-0118
Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving Electronics Command Equipment