Figure 19. Signal Generator SG-3/U, top view of interior.
(5) Loosen the four setscrews in the hub to
(3) Insert the plastic shaft and tighten the two
which the FREQ. IN MEGACYCLES dial
setscrews in the hub of the 200-400MC
was secured. (There are two setscrews in
TRIMMER capacitor.
each hole.) Remove the hub.
(4) Position and then secure the hub of the
(6) Loosen the two setscrews in the hub of tile
FREQ. IN MEGACYCLES dial by tightening
200-400MC TRIMMER and remove the
the two setscrews, and two locking
plastic shaft.
(7) Unsolder the leads to C55, C58, C61, C64,
(5) Position, then secure the FREQ. IN
MEGACYCLES dial to the hub by replacing
the three screws previously removed.
chassis and remove the rf assembly.
When the dial is replaced, the Index
b. To replace the rf assembly, proceed as follows:
mark on the dial must coincide with the
(1) Position the rf assembly and replace the
index mark on the hub.
(6) Position the hairline window. Replace the
subplate to the chassis.
two screens that secure tile window in
(2) On the rf assembly, solder the leads to C55,