TM 11-6625-1633-45
l. Adjust 600 MC
potentiometer A4R27
(fig. 3-5) for
a nominal 260 KHz indication on the deviation meter at
carrier null.
u. Repeat the procedure in g through l above, except
m. Repeat the procedure outlined in c through f
adjust 800 MC potentiometer A4R25.
set at 1000 MHz.
v. If the 800 MC potentiometer A4R25 cannot be adj
usted to obtain a deviation meter indication between 208
n. Repeat the procedure in m above, except adjust
and 312 KHz for a carrier null, readjust the 600 MC
1000 MC potentiometer A4R22.
potentiometer A4R27, the 700 MC potentiometer
A4R26, and the 800 MC potentiometer A4R25 until the
o. Repeat the procedure in c through f above with
first carrier null indication is obtained for a deviation
meter indication between 208 and 312 KHz at 600, 700,
and 800 MHz.
p. Repeat the procedure in o above, except adjust
w. Repeat the procedure in c through f above with
1500 MC potentiometer A4R1.
q. Repeat the procedure in c through f above with
600-1850 MC FREQUENCY MC control set at 700
x. Repeat the procedure in g through l above, except
adjust 900 MC potentiometer A4R24.
r. Repeat the procedure in q above, except adjust 700
y. If the 900 MC potentiometer A4R24 cannot be
MC potentiometer A4R26.
adjusted to obtain a deviation meter indication between
208 and 312 KHz for a carrier null, readjust the 600 MC
s. If the 700 MC potentiometer A4R26 cannot be
potentiometer A4R27, 700 MC potentiometer A4R26,
adjusted to obtain a deviation meter indication between
800 MC potentiometer A4R25, 900 MC potentiometer
208 and 312 KHz, readjust 600 MC potentiometer
A4R24, and 1000 MC potentiometer A4R22 until the
A4R27 until the first carrier null is obtained for a de-
first carrier null indication is obtained for a deviation
viation meter indication between 208 and 312 KHz at
meter indication between 208 and 312 KHz at 600, 700,
600 and 700 MHz.
800, 900, and 1000 MHz.
t. Repeat the procedure in c through f above with -
z. Repeat the procedure in y above until no further
adjustments are required.