TM 11-6625-1633-45
Adjust the wattmeter by placing
RENT switch in the 0-6 position.
After each step, and with the MODULA-
f. Observe the meter; if the meter remains off scale at
TION selector switch in OFF position, re-
the high and or moves down to a position on scale, pro-
set the wattmeter.
ceed to step g and h below. If the meter pointer reverses
l. Adjust the AN/URM-149 ZERO SET control for a
its position and rests off scale at the low end, proceed to
ZERO SET indication on the power set meter (red refer-
step i, j and k below.
ence line).
g. Zero set the meter with the ZERO SET controls by
m. Set MODULATION selector switch to CW posi-
rotating the COARSE control counterclockwise until the
pointer on the meter is as close as possible to zero.
n. Adjust POWER SET control for power set meter
h. Rotate the FINE control counterclockwise until
indication at the red reference line.
the meter pointer rests on zero.
o. Set ATTENUATOR for a -7 dbm indication.
i. Rotate BIAS CURRENT switch one step at a time
Set the center frequency selector handwheel to
to increase bias current.
each of the positions indicated in the chart below;
j. Continue until the meter pointer moves on or off
wattmeter indications must be within the limits speci-
scale at the high end.
k. Zero set the meter as described in g and h above.
selector handwheel, set the
Figure 5-2. Rf output power, test setup diagram.