TM 11-6625-1633-45
d. Reassemble the unit.
5-1. General
Complete rebuild of the AN/URM-149 and/or its indi-
e. Perform an operational test of the equipment.
vidual components may be accomplished by depot
maintenance facilities when authorized.
5-2. Maintenance Procedures
Restore the appearance, performance, and life expec-
tancy of the AN/URM-149 to a standard comparable to
Rebuild procedures of the AN/URM-149 will include all
that of new equipment by performing the following pro-
repairs, rebuild, replacement, and testing operations
necessary to make the equipment suitable for return to
the Department of the Army supply system stocks for
a. Disassemble the unit as required.
reissue to using organizations. Detailed procedures for
accomplishing the repair and adjustments established in
b. Inspect all component parts of the AN/ URM-149.
the preceding portions of this manual and such addi-
tional repair and rebuild operations as deemed necessary
c. Repair or replace any worn or unserviceable part
will be established by the maintenance facility perform-
with a part that conforms to the original manufacturing
ing the work.
specifications and tolerances.
b. Perform all applicable MWO's pertaining to the
5-3. Applicability of Depot Overhaul
equipment before making the tests specified. DA Pam
310-7 lists all current MWO's.
The tests outlined in this section are designed to meas-
5-5. Physical Tests and Inspections
ure the performance capability of repaired components
that comprise the AN/URM-149. Because there are al-
a. Inspect the front panel for damaged, loose, or
ternate methods to virtually every type of operation, it
missing screws, knobs, or other parts. There should be
must not be presumed that the tests described will be
no evidence of damage or loose components.
satisfactory for complete acceptance of the equipment.
Rather, it is the purpose to merely offer assistance and
b. Inspect the chassis for signs of excessive wear or
guidance in the most expedient method of determining
damage, missing components, or hardware.
that the AN/URM-149 meets the minimum acceptable
limit of system performance.
c. Inspect the condition of finish. Check for rust and
corrosion. The external surfaces should not show bare
5-4. Applicable References
metal and all front panel lettering should be legible.
a. Technical publications applicable to the AN/ URM-
Touchup painting is recommended instead
149 are listed in Appendix A. Applicable procedures
and standards of the depots performing these tests form
should not be polished with abrasives
a part of the requirements for testing this equipment.