TM 11-6625-586-45
h. Repeat step e, above.
10 KUV and 1 KUV positions of IF
i. Set LO RF UV control to 100 UV and re-
OUTPUT switch. The meter reading should be
cord frequency counter reading.
within 25 percent of selected range.
j. The frequency recorded in step i should be
d. To measure the IF output when the IF OUT-
step e.
PUT switch is in the 100 UV and 0-10 UV
positions, connect the test setup show in
6-15. lF Output Level
reference and observe the meter reading on the
a. Turn FUNCTION switch to IF, IF MHz
receiver. The meter reading should be between
switch to 4.300 and IF OUTPUT switch to 1.0
7.5 and 12.5 uv.
f. Turn IF MHz switch to 10.00 and repeat
steps c, d, and e.
shown in figure 64A.
g. Turn IF MHz switch to 11.5 and repeat
c. With IF UV control, maintain 1.0 indication
steps c, d, and e.
on IF UV SET TO LINE meter and observe RF
Figure 6-4. If Output level, test connections.
Change 1