Probable trouble
DEV CAL potentiometer R6
Adjust R6 and check adjustment of
correct but does not coincide with
R8 and R13.
indication on KILOCYCLES -
Defective V1 or V2
Check and, if necessary, replace V1 or
DEVIATION meter in all positions of
the DEV MULT switch.
V1 or V2.
surement at the tube sockets of V1
and V2.
X1 ADJ potentiometer R13
Readjust R13.
correct and coincides with indication
X5 ADJ potentiometer R8 -
Readjust R68
meter in X10 position of DEV
MULT switch, but does not coincide
X1 position, defective R11, R13, or
Replace defective part.
with meter reading in X1 or
X5 position.
In X5 position. defective RS, R9,
Replace defective part.
R10, or R12.
20. For a given setting of the DEVIATION
DEV COMP potentiometer R65 is
Adjust R65.
control, the output fre-
quency deviation varies as the out-
put carrier frequency is varied
V10 or V11.
surement at the tube sockets of V10
through the tuning range.
and V11.
R66 defective .
Replace R66.
21. Modulated rf output is distorted
Defective tubes V3, V4, V10, and V11
Substitute tubes known to be good.
mentioned tubes.
at the tube sockets of the above
BIAS ADJ potentiometer R100
Adjust R100.
R27 misadjusted
Adjust R27.
E1 defective
Replace E1.
screws (fig. 21) which secure the cover plate to the rf
60. Replacement of Parts
a. Most of
the parts in
Signal Generator SG-3/U are
readily accessible and can be replaced easily. Tag wires 61. Disassembly and Assembly of Rf Assembly
a. To remove the rf assembly, proceed as follows:
to prevent wrong connections whenever replacement
(1) On the dial cover, remove the dial lock,
requires the temporary removal of wiring.
TUNING dial and knob, and 200-400MC
b. To gain access to the interior of the signal
generator, the left side, top, and bottom covers must be
(2) Remove the dial cover by removing the four
removed. Remove the left side cover by loosening the
screws which secure it to the front panel.
six captive screws which secure it to the frame. After
(3) Remove the hairline window which is held in
removing the left side cover, the top and bottom covers
place over the FREQ. IN MEGACYCLES
may be removed by sliding them out of position.
dial by two screws.
c. To gain access to the rf assembly, pull off the
(4) Remove the FREQ. IN MEGACYCLES dial
outer and inner rf shields. This permits access to all tube-
by removing the three screws which secure it
socket pins. To gain access to the components in the
to the hub.
oscillator and first doubler, remove the cover plate from